  Science & More


me myself Who and what am I, and why this web site.

I am a creative biologist who loves all sorts of science. My mind continuously builds theories to explain some aspect of the world around me, or is busy creating another invention. This website allows me to present my ideas to the world.

Name Geert Poelman
WhatsAppClick here to call via WhatsApp
Mobile+34 602 29 19 19
Date of birth, City  April 3, 1966, Groningen
Marital statusmarried
Native languagesDutch, English

1988-1995  Biology  Graduated August 1 1995, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
1985-1988VWOR.S.G. Ommelander College Appingedam
1982-1985HAVOR.S.G. Ommelander College Appingedam
1978-1982MAVOR.S.G. Ter Apel

Darwin's litmus test & Life's logic, an extension to the theory of evolution through natural selection
Geert Poelman
Academia.edu, 30974227, 2014
A telescopic method for photographing within 8x8cm minirhizotrons.
Geert Poelman, Johan van de Koppel, Gerard Brouwer
Plant and Soil 185: 163-167, 1996


A new system for photographing within 8x8cm minirhizotrons. Under Prof. Dr. J. van Andel and drs. J. van de Koppel


The interaction of segregation distorters at several loci. Under Prof. Dr. F.J.Weissing.

Extra courses
Animal-ecology, Area-ecology, Astronomy, Behavioural sciences, Bio-mathematics, Bio-programming, Environment- and Element- cycles, Environmental compartments, Environmental effects in plants, Fauna, Geology, Physics, Population and quantitative genetics, Statistics / Probability calculations, Vegetation-dynamics. Colloquium: The forces behind the evolution of man. Literature study: Animal-ecology.
